Top 20 facts you probably don’t know about Email

6 min readJul 16, 2020


Top 20 facts you probably don’t know about Email

Whether you are running an organization or an internet user, Email is a necessary thing for everyone nowadays. Even if you want to run a browser like google chrome, google will ask you to enter your Gmail email account before using it.

As we know that Email is the best way of communication and allows many of us to stay connected. But do you know that there are some email facts that you should know as an email user?

Here we will discuss the top facts you probably don’t know about Email!

1) The first Email sent in the year 1971

The first email that was sent was not across overseas, but it was sent within the same room. Tomlinson created its address like tomlinson@bbn-tenexa with random content added as “qwertyuiop.”

2) The invention of the Email wasn’t a project

The invention of an email was not a pre-planned project. It was just a simple idea that turned into more interesting and added more curiosity to Tomlinson himself, and the simple idea turned into one of the greatest inventions.

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3) Use of @ in Email

Tomlinson found that @ is one of the least used keys and he chose to separate the domain from the name. Now, it is one of the frequently used symbols on your keyboard.

4) The first Email from space to earth

Yes, you heard it right! It is possible to communicate in space with the help of an email. On August 28, 1991 astronauts Shannon lucid and James S. Adamson sent an email to Johnson Space Center which said

First email from Space

5) Is it Email or Email?

The inventor of Email Tomlinson approved a hyphen in the word Email. But people around the world are now used to the word Email, not Email. According to Google, Email is used more than the word email, adding a hyphen.

Search term on Email and e-mail

Pro Tip: Unclean email list? Here we are to help you out. Try an Bulk Email validator and purge your email list.

6) First free webmail service

Hotmail and Rocketmail were named as the first free webmail services in the world.

Hotmail was launched in 1996, and later it was bought by Microsoft in 1997 for $400 million and then renamed as MSN Hotmail (Microsoft Network Hotmail), then Windows Live Mail, and in the year 2013 it was named Outlook Which is known by everyone today.


Yahoo purchased Rocketmail in 1997 for $ 92 million. However, they have stopped Rocketmail support since 2013. Undoubtedly both of them were extremely successful at their time.

7) The origin of SPAM

The first SPAM email was sent on May 1, 1978, where several users were on the ARPANET.

I sent around to 600 people. The email was sent by Gary Turek to advertise their DECSYSTEM-20 products of Digital Equipment Corporation. He is also known as the inventor of sending SPAM emails.

8) Billions of junk-emails

Junk emails are the biggest headache for every email user. As per the study, the average daily spam volume is 316.39 BILLION. It is 84.77% of total email traffic !!! Only 15.22% of emails are legit in a day.

9) Emoji in Email

April 12, 1979, was the time where smiley was introduced and used in emails. Kevin McKenzie was the first one to send an email with a smile.

The first smiley sent by McKenzie was -), which means tongue in cheek.

10) Billions of active email users

More than half of the world's population is using Email. According to a survey, there were around 3.9 billion active email users globally.

There are around 3.5 billion users of social media, which clearly explains that people are more active in emails than social media.

11) Email checking pattern

An interesting fact says that around one-third of employees check their mailbox after every one hour even if they are not in their business hours,

The below statistics clearly explain that around 49% of emails are checked every few hours, where only 9% are emails checked constantly.

Email Checking Pattern

12) Way of communication

Every organization requires communication with their clients. Email is one of the best and most used means of communication with their clients, 86% of professionals are using Email for communication.

13) An email account per user

Most people have more than one email address. Multiple email addresses are created for different and various reasons. They can be personal emails, business emails, or promotional email accounts.

How many email address do you have?

The above statistics explain that an email user owns more than a single email and its usage. An approx average can be counted as a single person owning about 1.8 email accounts.

14) Most common password in an email

The password is used to make your email account private. It is always recommended to set a strong password for your email account.

As per the latest data, “123456,” and “password ” are the most popular and common passwords used. It came to know in 2009 that more than 10,000 Hotmail passwords were the same.

15) Chances of your Email being opened

Are you sure emails are going to be opened? The best chance of your Email to get opened is within the first hour, after 4 hours, it drops down to 5%, and when 24 hrs are completed, you have only a 1% chance that your Email will be opened. An attractive subject line (Eg: Only for you ! best deal) can play a major role in opening your Email at the recipient end.

Pro Tip: All set for email marketing campaign! Make sure your email list is clean. Use our Email verifier to clean your email list and get success in your email marketing campaign.

16) Daily email checking time

Sending an email takes a second, composing an email takes a minute, but checking an email may take over an hour.

However, it is hard to find the exact time spent to check emails. The estimated time spent daily for a business email is 3.3 hrs, and for a personal email, it takes about 2.1 hrs. Together, the average time spent daily on email checking can be about over 5 hrs.

17) Email checking can cause stress

An average email user checks his emails around 15 times a day. According to the University of British Columbia, if they reduce checking their emails to 3 times a day, they will be less stressed.

Considering switching to another task after checking an email will take up to 15 minutes to gain the concentration of your current task.

18) Emails on mobile

It was the year 2007 when mobile Email was released. It is estimated that more 46% of emails are being opened in mobile, where 35% of emails are business-related that include 7.35% of business professionals, access their email account through mobile devices.

19) Viruses send through Email

In 1999 “Melissa” was the first virus sent through an email. It was spread in Microsoft Word Documents. In this case, if anyone downloads the Word document from internet newgroup, the virus itself sends an email to the first 50 people added in the person’s outlook with the word file.

20) Length of email subject-line

The subject line plays a key role in an email. As we know lengthy subject lines don’t work and that’s the reason there are limited characters allowed in a subject line. The maximum length of a subject-line on an Email is 61–70 characters.

Wrap Up

These are the top 20 interesting facts that every email user should know. It’s hard to imagine a world without an email as it is a basic need for more than billions of people around the world. An email is a never-ending way of communication and it has always been an essential part of our life, and it will be.



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